For Immediate Release
December 21st, 2003

     The Mid-West Baseball League has announced several promotions within the Front Office Staff in preparation for the 2004 season that will begin on March 27th.
“The mark of quality owners makes it easy to expand my staff, ” said Commissioner John “Stray” Corrado. “The MWBL owners make up the best league in APBA and their tireless efforts, make me proud to promote them to the MWBL board of directors.”
The changes start with new Deputy Commissioner, Disk Coordinator, Staff Writer/Editor and National League President, Steve Cutler. Steve entered MWBL in the tail end of the 2001 season, taking over the now-defunct Columbus Explorers.  He has been invaluable stepping in to create the MWBL disk each year.  In addition to that, Steve continuously assists me in developing league Press Releases.  As Deputy Commissioner, Steve will assist me with league day-to-day activities.  Steve will also where the hat as National League President.  We hope that the day never comes, but the role of NL President will most likely only come in to play if there is a dispute amongst National League owners.  The decision of such a dispute will be resolved by the Commissioner and the National League President.

Casey Hoch has been promoted to Awards Coordinator, Hall of Fame Player Historian and American League President.  Casey has earned these positions because of his dedication after immediately joining MWBL in 2001.  Upon joining, Casey began taking over the responsibilities of the league awards. Knowing that the Hall of Fame is a tremendous amount of work, Casey has jumped in and assisted, overseeing the upcoming player inductions. Casey will also where the hat as American League President.  We hope that the day never comes, but the role of AL President will most likely only come in to play if there is a dispute amongst American League owners.  The decision of such a dispute will be resolved by the Commissioner and the American League President.  Above all of that is the help on the night of the MWBL Draft.  He assists me in getting everything together for the upcoming season within a 24 hour turn around period.

Chris Douglass is one of 9 ORIGINAL owners in MWBL.  His success can be considered legendary with a .725 winning percentage and the inaugural person to be entered in to the MWBL Hall of Fame.  Each year Chris creates the self extracting updated ballpark effects thus his promotion to the title of Field Effects and Ballpark Coordinator.

Brian Scantland entered the league in 2000 and there is probably no one that deserves a title in MWBL more than he, Hall of Fame Director. Brian developed and created the Hall of Fame concept, unique to APBA.  Brian spent many months developing the Hall of Fame and the initial exhibits prove it’s success.  In addition to the Hall of Fame Director title, Brian will also hold the title of Assistant Staff.

We so many task’s that need to be done, every league needs a National Cross Checker Coordinator. I have promoted Scott Farquharson to that title.  Scott’s duties include checking all master sheets and excel files as well as a MLB team checker and Minor league player team placements.  He has been in the league since 1999 and has been performing those tasks for quite some time.

When it comes to trades, someone needs to be responsible for organizing the results.  Enter the league in 2001, Dave Myers, Trade Organizer.  Dave was instrumental in creating the excel spreadsheet for each of the 24-teams trade history, including now defunct teams as well.  Now, each team can take a look and see how many good and bad trades they made.

We round out the league appointments with the new owner Gary Regulski being appointed as the Database advisor.  Gary has an extensive background with Norwood Career Data Base.  He will act as my Database Advisor and League Statistician.

With these promotions, I would like to thank all of the aforementioned above, as well as all Mid-West Baseball League members, for their dedications, and commitment to what many consider to be the best APBA / BBW League around.   Hats off to all of us.


FRIDAY 09/13/2024
AT 8:00 AM - ET!
