For Immediate Release
November 8th, 2009

Chicopee Times –

General manager Heather Whitacre has been quoted “This team needs some help.” She has dispatched super scouts Cory and Ashley Whitacre to uncover some young talent, they also have been told to scout the current rosters for possible deals. She has the utmost confidence in minor league player developement President Deb Whitacre to infuse their system with quality young athletes.” The key with Deb is not just her ability to get the talent but to infuse the organization’s goals with the minor league staff from Rookie ball to the high minors. Heather is thrilled with first year field manager Brian “Squid” Whitacre and his enthusiasm for the game. “He is like a shorter version of Tito Francona, just taking things one day at a time and looking forward to the challenge of bringing the title to New England.”  Of course the entire thing came together because of the awesome ownership. “Stan and Di have given us all of the resources needed to start the Revolution here in the Baystate. From the purchasing of the franchise and now the announcement of a new stadium.” Manager Squid Whitacre is estatic, “The Whitacres have done more than anyone could want and have given total reign of running the franchise to the baseball people. I am excited to have Kevin as my bench coach and we have assembled an amazing coaching staff.” The fans of the first year team are very excited as well, as of press time over 80% of their season ticket packages have sold. So as you can see the Revolution is ready to begin here in the Baystate. Rumors are abounding that GM Whitacre has been overheard about possibly dealing Jon Lester. When questioned about it Squid has said ” I trust Heather and the decisions she makes to improve the team, sometimes you have to do things that don’t look good right away.In the long run the goal is to have a championship banner waving over the park. I do know she will bring back pieces that will help us with that goal.”  With that said the Minutemen would be willing to move the following players.

George Sherrill-RP   would help a contender looking for a pick for him

Matt Diaz-OF   would make great platoon partner- looking for a young OF with power

Juan Uribe-IF had a great year great utility player for a contender- looking for a young IF back

Kevin Millwood- looking for a young SP and a pick back for him

Scott Feldman- looking for innings back and a young 2B

Jon Lester- looking for top of the line C or 3B plus a pick and innings back.


Post Draft Day
Trading Allowed
Until Tuesday
8:00 AM ET
