The Third & Final GENERAL MANAGERS MEETING is this Sunday February 9th (02/09/2014) – 9:30 PM ET.
It’s not a mandatory thing, but it is kind of fun to be online and talk trade with 20+ GM’s, and we want to get everyone acclimated with the new Chat Program well before Draft Day.
We always appreciate it when we get a lot of Community activity from the GM’s.
Much of the off-season wheeling and dealing usually gets underway here.
We get together in the MWBL Chat Room and talk Deals. It’s a precursor to Draft Day to make sure everyone’s can get into the CHAT Room.
The Commissioner Office will arrive in the chat room around 9:15 PM, and General Managers can come and go as they please.  Usually last about 1 hour.
MWBL DRAFT DAY is Scheduled for Saturday February 22nd, 2014 – 9:30 AM ET.