It’s not a mandatory thing, but it is kind of fun to be online & Zoom with 20+ General Managers of the Mid-West Baseball League. This year once again we will be using ZOOM as after quarantining the last year, we have all become a little more familiar with the software. We will also be using our SLACK CHAT – CHAT ROOM for private conversations and trade talks during the General Managers Meetings as well.
We always appreciate it when we get a lot of Community activity from the General Managers, much of the off-season wheeling & dealing is usually done at this time.
It’s a precursor to Draft Day to make sure everyone can get into the SLACK CHAT – CHAT ROOM.
The Commissioner Office will set up a ZOOM Meeting & arrive in the SLACK CHAT – CHAT ROOM around 7:45 PM ET on the dates listed below, and GM’s can come and go as they please. Meetings usually last about one & a half hours, but you can stay as long as you’d like.
AGAIN THIS YEAR – the 2022 MWBL ZOOM General Managers Meetings.
Tuesday Nights
2022 MWBL DRAFT DAY is Scheduled for Saturday, February 19th, 2022 – 10:30 AM ET.